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In order to suitable for two kinds of materials, carved in the design of the machine, and considering the material in machining tools such as part of the source of the special treatment. Diamond profiling saw in equipment use general tools, including the diamond profiling saw, it is used to produce round edge, glass and stone except furniture, and tombstone, craftsmanship is very exquisite antique or crystal glass, cut thin glass, or block, etc. The design and manufacture of machines, capable of chamfer Angle cutting, making regular columns, Roman column, can be carried out in accordance with the template cutting, can also along a straight line or chamfering grinding hypotenuse direction. Scope of profiling saw the increasingly widely used, the user is also increasing, the world is about eight hundred sets of equipment in service for the user. These devices through to improve the original band saw with wide range of application, instead of diamond wire saw beads type, according to three dimensional motion platform for cutting. The device adopted by the combined vacuum suction cup, can effectively guarantee the stability of the bracket on machining for example, when processing glass, will not cause scratch by processing easily. It can be 60 x80cm work surface machining small workpieces, if use the arm, the workpieces can reach Zox30cm, the height of the largest workpiece rocm for 1. Tools in general, special profile cutting edge, with thicker electroplating diamond band saw for 1, it can cutting more wide, faster. Diamond band saw blade width can be up to 16, can choose saw the width of 10 diamond band saw for cutting. Band saw can be easily processed circle radius is 3 cm. Then available diamond belt grinding and polishing. Design tools can ensure that the surface finishing allowance as much as possible. Available for machining inner hole, diamond wire saw a string of beads that diameter of 8, 9, 11.5 respectively. If need more holes machining, can choose the electroplated diamond wire saw saws, beaded diameter was only 6, every MiYouKe beads. With 9 when processing glass, diamond wire saw beads can meet the needs of the application. Used to cut stone, diamond grits size 45150 us mesh, a finer diamond grain size 60/80 us, using the soft bond. Compared with processing stone wire saw beads on the number of reach 60 per meter. When used in processing stone diamond wire saw, beaded design for convex shoulder, is beneficial to start cutting, between beads with thermoplastic materials, steel wire connected at both ends, in order to prevent the beaded hit when trimming. Mining - both inside and outside the company main products are: blue pearl, platinum diamond, classical grey hemp hemp, gold, platinum and diamond, gold, white, gray, ice jade, haze bluestar, wave in the three gorges is red, the three gorges, the three gorges black, JiLinBai, western white, gold, such as hemp, dragon yellow mine telephone 18606058490. All has its own mines. Welcome to understand. On the thin plate glass workpiece, processing a wide rectangular groove, in this case, the diamond wire saw suitable for diameter beads, pressure is controlled by manual. Wire saw cooling water emulsion. Tool design is reasonable, the processing quality well, quantitative tool life is hard, but the cutting surface, and tool life. Machining outer profile with a wide diamond band saw, linear cutting locator to locate. No matter the band saw and wire saw processing stone were quite successful. Can be processed by means of template, diamond wire saw and diamond band saw, tag number method can be used on the parts processing. Usually, the wire saw is used for processing the siliceous stone (granite), band saw for calcareous materials (marble) processing. Equipment strong, durable, have enough workplace, loading and unloading of stones can be 2 tons. An air suspension system can develop to replace artificial carrying workpieces, also can be suitable for processing waste material. Can also be used when a glass is available, wire saw, band saw, in addition to the electroplated diamond band saw processing granite are available, and 15 MLS cutting speed. First don't consider the glass processing cutting cost, first consider stone processing efficiency.