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Basic knowledge of diamond structure
Basic knowledge of diamond structure
Basic knowledge of a diamond, diamond is the three-dimensional reticular structure, the smallest carbon ring is a six membered ring, the smallest closed carbon ring is ten membered ring, the closed ten membered carbon rings is very important, it is making up the cell's main carbon ring, six carbon atoms in the unit cell the six surfaces of the heart, the remaining four cell located in the internal, their another carbon atom is the cell of the four vertices. Diagonal of the four vertices of the tetrahedron - which is another four vertices, the ten membered ring of the diagonal is cell edge length. 2. The diamond crystal structure is cubic. 金剛石的結(jié)構(gòu)是面心立方格子,C原子分布于8個頂角和 6個面心,晶胞內(nèi)部還有4個碳原子,故一個晶胞共有8個碳原子.(8×1/8+6×1/2+4) 3,金剛石晶胞棱長的計算: 碳碳鍵長=0.154納米 (這是已知的測定數(shù)據(jù)) 晶胞的體對角線L=4倍碳碳鍵長 (這一結(jié)論不用自己再去推算, 詳見晶體學中的有關(guān)計算,如:黃昆原著<固體物理學>第一章<晶體結(jié)構(gòu)>) 設(shè)晶胞的棱長為X,由勾股定理不難證明晶胞的對角線L=√3X, 則√3X=L=4×0.154 =0.616(納米)= 故X=0.616÷√3=0.616/1.73=0.356nm(納米)=0.356×10-7 厘米 4,金剛石密度的計算: 一個晶胞的體積=[0.36×10-7](厘米)3;,一摩晶胞的體積=[0.356×10-7]3 ×6.02×1023(厘米)3 一摩晶胞的質(zhì)量=8×12=96(克),則密度=96克/[0.356×10-7]3 ×6.02×1023(厘米)3=3.55克/(厘米)3