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Ultra-precision grinding of ceramic materials
Ceramic material with acid, alkali, salt corrosion, high temperature, piezoelectric displacement and other fine features, wide range of applications. However, the brittle ceramic materials belong, high hardness, brittleness, its physical and mechanical properties (especially toughness and strength) are quite different metal materials, processing performance is poor, difficult process. When using ultra-precision cutting, grinding or polishing process traditional ceramic workpiece machining, machining parameters if not reasonable, then the surface will crack after processing, surface damage and other defects. The impact of processing parameters on the surface quality so as to provide a scientific basis for ultra-precision grinding of brittle materials paper mainly discusses the ultra-precision grinding of ceramics and other brittle material.
In conclusion
1) Average grit size diamond wheel is an important factor in ceramic grinding surface roughness. Such as the use of an average size of less than 25μm grit diamond grinding wheel, make ceramics in plastic mode grinding, thereby eliminating surface crack defects.
2) Ceramic grinding wheel surface roughness is a function of the feed rate of the relationship, when grinding in plastic mode condition, roughness against cutting depth and direction of the effect of surface grinding.
3) SD3000-75-B-type diamond grinding ceramic materials for ultra-precision grinding, surface roughness values obtained
1) Average grit size diamond wheel is an important factor in ceramic grinding surface roughness. Such as the use of an average size of less than 25μm grit diamond grinding wheel, make ceramics in plastic mode grinding, thereby eliminating surface crack defects.
2) Ceramic grinding wheel surface roughness is a function of the feed rate of the relationship, when grinding in plastic mode condition, roughness against cutting depth and direction of the effect of surface grinding.
3) SD3000-75-B-type diamond grinding ceramic materials for ultra-precision grinding, surface roughness values obtained